Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Most Dangerous Bird Cassowary In The World

Cassowary is a country of birds that have a very large body size and can not afford to fly. Cassowary which is a protected animal in Indonesia and also a fauna of West Papua province identity consists of three species (species). The three Cassowary species are Cassowary Gelambir Tunggal (Casuarius unappendiculatus), Cassowary Gelambir Ganda (Casuarius casuarius), and Cassowary Kasuari (Casuarius bennetti).

Cassowary bird is a beautiful big bird charming. But behind the beauty of birds Cassowary has an aggressive nature and tend to be fierce if disturbed. The Casuarius bergrnus bird is very fierce and grumpy and does not hesitate to pursue the 'victim' or the pengganggunya. Therefore in the zoo, Kasuari is not allowed to roam free. Even supposedly, The Guinness Book of Records includes the Cassowary as the most dangerous bird in the world. Although for this record I have not been able to verify to The Guinness Book of Records website.

Cassowary Double Gelambir

Cassowary is an endemic bird that only lives on the island of Papua and its surroundings, except Cassowary Geluir Double (Casuarius casuarius) which can also be found in the continent of northeastern Australia. In English, the Cassowary Casambanus called (Southern Cassowary), Cassowary Gelambir Tunggal (Casuarius unappendiculatus) is called (Northern Cassowary) and Cassowary Kasuary (Casuarius bennetti) referred to as (Dwarf Cassowary).

Characteristics and Behavior. Cassowary birds have a very large body size, except the Dwarf Kasuari (Casuarius bennetti) which is smaller in size. Cassowary can not fly. Adult cassowary birds have a height of 170 cm, and have a hard black hair and stiff.

Cassowary Gelambir Tunggal

Above his head the cassowary has a tall horn that is brown. Female birds are similar to male birds, and are usually larger and more dominant.

Cassowary's feet are very long and strong. These legs became the main weapon of this rare and protected bird. Cassowary's legs are able to kick and knock down his enemies, including humans, with just one kick. Perhaps because of his kicks and aggressiveness it is not excessive if then The Guinness Book of Records endowed him as the most dangerous bird in the world.

In Cassowary Double Gelambir there are two red wadding on the neck with blue neck skin .. While at Cassowary Gelambir Tunggal (Casuarius unappendiculatus), as the name suggests has only one gelambir.

Cassowary birds, including protected animals from this keounahan eat fruits that fall from the tree. Cassowary birds usually live alone, and pair only during the mating season only. The baby bird is incubated by the male cassowary.

Although Cassowary has a large body, but it is not much is known about this papua endemic bird. Especially for the species Cassowary Gelambir Tunggal (Casuarius unappendiculatus) and Kasdari Kasdari (Casuarius bennetti).

Habitat and Spread. Cassowary Casuarius Unappendiculatus (Casuarius unappendiculatus) and Cassowary Kasuary (Casuarius bennetti) are endemic to the island of Papua (Indonesia and Papua New Guinea), while Casuarius casuarius (Casuarius casuarius) in addition to the island of Papua is also present in the island of Seram (Maluku, Indonesia) And northeastern Australia. Cassowary birds have habitats in lowland forest areas including in swampy areas.

The most dangerous cassowary bird, attacking with both feet

Population and Conservation. Cassowary bird population is not known with certainty but it is believed from day to day decline. Therefore, the IUCN Redlist includes Casuarius casuarius and Casuarius unappendiculatus in Vulnerable conservation status since 1994. Medium Cassowary Kasuari (Casuarius bennetti) is given Near Threatened (Nearly Threatened) conservation status. The threat of extinction of the cassowary bird is more because of the hunt either to get the meat, feathers or eggs.
