Thursday, May 18, 2017

Bird Cendrawasih Fauna Khas Indonesia

Bird of Paradise is one of the fauna that comes from Indonesia. Cendrawasih comes from the land of Papua, which is very beautiful. Because of its beauty, this bird is even dubbed as a bird that comes from heaven. Many who thought that this bird is indeed from heaven. Because of its beautiful shape, cendrawasih became a hunt for many people. Not a few hunters who hunt wild birds of this type and sell at high prices. The government is also trying to protect the species of paradise. Thus, survival can be long.

If you see cendrawasih flying, then be prepared to admire its beauty. The beauty that is created from the color of color that is in the body. Many who do not know the truth of the family type where this paradise. Most of whom recognize birds of paradise from Papua.

Deeper Explanation of Birds of Paradise
This bird is also known as Bird from Paradise. For those of you who first saw the cendrawasih, certainly will not be able to escape to look at the paradise. Males of cendrawasih are very numerous in Papua. With the amount that continues to decline every year. This bird into the family Paradisaeidae. In addition to the land of Papua, this bird is also found in Australia and Papua New Guinea. This family has about 14 genera and 43 species. 75% of its species can be found in Indonesia.

In the belief of society in Papua, this bird is considered as the incarnation of heaven. Because it has no legs, this bird will only float laying in the air and it is impossible to walk on the ground. Color of birds that are owned by birds this bird consists of brown, white, blue. Orange and many more. This bird has different sizes. Not everything has a large size. The smallest size only 15cm, while weighing only about 50 grams. This is different from a fairly large type, with a size of 110 cm and weighs more than 400 grams. Usually this big type is found in the type of Cendrawasih Jambul.

The beauty that you can find in the real paradise is used to attract the female interest to mate. The males will show their beauty with various dances. Dances performed by these males, will attract the females to be willing to marry. The males will also dance in different directions, no wonder if every Paradise of a different species has a special dance to attract the opposite.

Habitat Birds of Paradise

Cendrawasih has the habitat to live in dense forest. Usually live in lowland plains and choose a very safe place. In Papua alone, only in some areas alone have a large number of paradise. One of the most famous species of paradise comes from the genus Paradisaea because it has a very interesting color. Where has a beautiful yellow color that lights up. However, other types are also not less interesting with a beautiful color color lit.
Right now, there is a kind of paradise that is kept in the Zoo as a collection and can be seen by visitors. Maintenance of this bird must also be done with care. So that the condition is not surprised and can meyesuaikan as in the original environment. After knowing the origin of this bird, you can keep at once know more about the paradise. As a typical bird fauna Cendrawasih Indonesia, it is appropriate that the nickname of birds from heaven fell to Birds of Paradise.
