The characteristics of Tledekan Mangrove, Borneo Tledekan feature, Tledekan Pemingan Mangau, Tledekan Sulingan Kalimantan - There is another chirping mate all, other rivals from tledekan mountain or tledekan pring is the mangrove distillate, well this bird character almost similar to the name of distilled mountain. Usually the male remains in haste and can join the race along with rival prong tledekan.
Indeed the male glance will be similar to the mountain and this can be confusing for beginners who are looking at the market, can - can find even mangrove mountains. Klau so let us discuss the characteristics of males and females.
Tedekan males:
• a darker chin color.
• from neck, chest, orange stomach.
Tedekan mangroves:
• orange color on pdagu, stomach, chest look more pale
• Even more strikingly there are whitish bridges that form the V and as well
According to some masters, TL was excavated with information that this species is among the most difficult gacor, but he said if it has gacor can be terrible with the sound of its flagship roll and nyekleknya. Let me see more clearly the following picture:
Mangrove Mangoes, Bornean Bored Birds, Tundraed Mangroves, Bored Bored Birds, Buried Tledekan Mangrove Birds, Tundered Birds of Borneo Borneo, characterized by mangrove embankments...