Kacer birds traded in bird market babble are not always derived from captive breeders by birds babble. Many of the Kacer birds in the bird market come from wild catches commonly referred to as Kacer going birds. Kacer birds and the results of the tuna will have a fairly obvious difference that is the matter of contamination and mental. Usually Kacer birds in the field of sale when sold is in a benign condition and mentally well trained. In contrast to the Kacer birds are rather difficult to tame and the mental is still wild with the difficulty of birds emit a chirp when seen by many people. But if it turns out you buy Kacer birds with mental conditions that make it afraid to see the crowd and do not dare to sing when the other birds then the Kacer bird must get training.
Kacer birds traded in bird market babble is not always derived from the breeding by the bird breeders babble. Many of the Kacer birds in the bird market come from wild catches commonly referred to as Kacer going birds. Kacer birds and the results of the tuna will have a pretty difference that is the matter of contamination and mental. Usually Kacer birds in the field of sale when sold is in a benign condition and mentally well trained. In contrast to the Kacer birds are rather difficult to tame and the mental is still wild with the difficulty of birds emit a chirp when seen by many people. But if it turns out you buy Kacer birds with mental conditions Kacer bird must get training.
Laying the cage in a crowded place While living in the Kacer bird forest is not typical of bird species that are close to human settlements. This makes the Kacer will be nurtured will be afraid to see many people passing by. As for the cope can be by training mentally through putting his cage in a place that many people pass by. Putting the Kacer birds in a crowded place can hang their cages in front of the house or on the bird shelter. In his mental training by putting his cage in a crowded place can be done as long as birds are still afraid of human presence. When the Kacer bird has shown an attitude that no longer afraid of humans or at least has dared to sound his voice then a sign of tips made to train his mental to not fear the crowds of people have succeeded.
Securing the position where the feed and perch Other tips that need to be done for mental birds Kacer going to be formed is to be comfortable from the place of feed and perch. The purpose of securing the place of feed and perch can be by not replacing the place of feed that is in the cage for some time and designing the perch used as a place of footing Kacer birds are not easy to shake and broken. The purpose of not having to replace the feeding place so that Kacer birds are interested to devour the food placed in the cage. Similarly, the perch that he used to stand on must be adjusted to the size of his fingers so that when the Kacer birds are on the tenggeran not waver let alone to fall.
Train it with similar birds
In training the mental birds Kacer will not be easily afraid of other birds of a similar or different then it can coach it in unison with similar birds. This is done to remove the nature of fighters that exist in the bird Kacer going to want to sing along with other birds when brought near. In addition, when practicing mental Kacer birds by putting adjacent to similar birds should be in good health condition in good health.
Invited him to the bird chirp competition
In order for Kacer birds to have a strong mental not only put it in a crowded place that many people pass by but also can take him to the arena of the race of birds kicuan. Bringing birds Kacer going to the arena of birds chirping contest can indirectly introduce it with various types of birds chatter that is in the arena of the race. In addition Kacer birds can also recognize the various types of sounds that he heard along with the crowds of people who are in the location of the race. As a result later Kacer bird will have a strong mental with no fear of issuing chirp when included in a race or pitted with other birds during practice.
Thus tips needed to train the mental birds Kacer going not to be easily afraid and dare to make a sound chirp. In addition to the tips written above should also be listened to pay attention to the feed that must be given regularly and do not forget to give it additional vitamin. And hopefully by reading this article then Kacer birds will belong to the readers as well can be formed mentally to be courageous and not easily afraid. Okay.