Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How To Make Avaci Gacor Without Voer

How To Make Avaci Gacor Without Voer | Some fans of pleci birds have put it, and on average they managed to do it, So like this, if in rationally thought, there is also a bird that does not want to open the beak of anymore gacor, it is due to several reasons as follows:

1. Streessss
2. Confused in a new place / cage
Sya categorize confused and stress with something different, if the birds stress he will be silent and even so afraid to die, if confused he will ngruji or nabrak cage. Well actually drug from all that easy.
Clearly he did not want to eat voer because it is different from the food that he ate in the wild, actually here just like humans, if stress and the love to eat and want to eat at least humans will remain healthy and not sick, well so birds, Try to do this to make the bird open the beak and gacor, buy a bird omg and give him a meal that is not mixed voer at all, eating natural like fruit, insects, kroto honey / sugar water can make it slowly lost its stress. And definitely when done for a week or 2 weeks he was able to ngeplong, good luck hopefully successful. How to feed without voer I will explain in the next article.
How To Make Avaci Gacor Without Voer
Thank you for reading How to Make Birds Placi Gacor Without Voer, please read the next article.
How To Make Placi Gacor Without Voer, How To Make Placi Gacor Without Voer, Make Birds Placi Gacor Without Voer, Make Placi Gacor Without Voer, Pleci Gacor Without Voer
