Monday, May 22, 2017

Long Tailed Longet | Psittacula longicauda | Long-tail Parakeet

Long-tailed tails, or red cheek rags, have the Latin name Psittacula longicauda. Is one of about 85 species of parrots that exist in Indonesia.

Characteristics: This bird has medium size (40cm), with green chest color, long tail gradually. In the crown of the green crown, the sides of the red head, there is a thick black line like a mustache, pale blue coat, yellow-tailed tail and bluish wings. Females more opaque, greenish mustache, no blue on the back. While flying, the yellow down wing covers, the Difference with the Ordinary Betet, the lower body of the green and the sides of the red head. Greenish-green iris, red beak with a horn-like tip, gray-gray legs.

Sound: A loud voice shrieked, heard from above the tree and when flying.

Global Spread: Andaman, Nicobar, Semenajung Malaysia, Sumatera, Riau, Natuna, and Kalimantan.

Local spread and status: Local scenes are common in coastal and lowland areas, especially in open forests, plantations, mangrove forests, edges of tropical rainforests, secondary forests, the periphery of urban parks with tall trees. Encountered up to a height of 300 m.

Behavior: Fly fast in a large group of about 20, apparently nomadic, also performs seasonal migration, sometimes found on the trees of Nuri Tanau (Psittinus cyanurus), fast moving among tree branches, has a loud, continuous noise Shouting in a striking voice; Start a foraging activity after sunrise, found during the day in the tall trees while in the afternoon continue to feed before flying to the nest tree.

Feed in nature: Fruits (Pandanus, papaya leaves, Dryobalan-ops sp.), Seeds, flowers (Acacia) and leaf buds; Because that parake is often referred to as agricultural pests because it causes damage to the coconut plantations in some areas.

Spawn: breeding season from February to July, mostly nest in perforated branches or holes in dead trees, only occasionally in live trees; In one case 10 m from the base of the tree; Nests filled with food and chewed pieces of bark; Eggs reach 2-3 eggs, with egg size 30.6 x 24.7 eggs mm. Incubation: 23 days.

Long-tailed tails have 5 subspecies including:

1. Psittacula longicauda longicauda (Boddaert 1783)

Description: This sub-type has a body color in general green, throat, chest and stomach-yellowish green; Black bluish bridle; Dark green crown; Side of the head and nape of the pink; Black line on the cheek; The upper backs of the faint blue gray brass; Pale blue lower back; Wing bottom cover yellowish; Top and bottom tail cover and pale green thighs, the center of the blue tail a little pale, the upper half is red while the bottom half is brown-black, yellow-white iris, gray legs.

Females: have a green nape; Lines on dark green cheeks; The upper cheeks have orange-red lines; Tail is much shorter, black-brown upper and lower beak.

Size: length: 42 cm, wingspan 142-155 mm, tail length 154-270 mm.

Distribution: Malaysia Kedah Selatan, Singapore, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Indonesia Nias island and Bangka and Anambas Islands.

2. Psittacula longicauda modesta (Fraser 1845)

Description: almost the same as other long-tailed parrots, but the crown has a base color of reddish and green, pink on the back of the head and nape; On the crown looks more brownish, the black line for the bridle more clearly kept in some birds to form a narrow band on the forehead; Rose-red for deeper upper cheeks with red-orange streaking; Much larger, but with a short tail.

Females and immatures are the same, but the crown and back of the green-brown head; Ear-feathers with a narrow greenish-green band; His cheeks are redder.

Size: length: 48 cm, wingspan 192-208 mm, tail length 180-231 mm.

Distribution: Enggano Island, Bengkulu -Sumatera Indonesia.

3. Psittacula longicauda nicobarrica (Grould 1857)

Description: just like any other longicauda, ​​but the back of the head, neck and back of greenish yellow and vague until the pale blue ears cover - red cheeks; Lower back green. Females and dull red cheeks; greater than.

Size: length: 48 cm, wingspan 190-206 mm, tail length 197-275 mm.

Distribution: Nicobar Islands.

4. Psittacula longicauda tytleri (Hume 1874)

Description: same as other longicauda, ​​but the back of the head, neck and back-yellowish green

Slightly gray-lilac; Throat, upper chest slightly bluish pale; Lower back green

Females and young age alike, the color of red cheeks dull and larger.

Size: length: 44 cm, wingspan 166-182 mm, tail length 160-249 mm.

Distribution: Andaman Islands.

5. Psittacula longicauda defontainei (Chasen 1934)

Description: same as longicauda, ​​but there is a pink line beside the head and mixed orange-

red; Crown a little more yellowish.

Females and youth are the same, the color of the cheeks is redder and the crown is more yellow

Size: length: 42 cm, wingspan 148-165 mm, tail length 196-251 mm.

Distribution: Natuna and Riau Islands and Bintan Islands, Belitung and Karimata, Indonesia.
