Friday, May 19, 2017

How to Differentiate Surviving Starling Males and Females

How to Differentiate Starling Birds Suren - Suren Starling Birds is the kind of Birds Chirp that has a very good chirping sound so that it is sought or sought by the Birds of Love Lovers in Indonesia. Starling Suren is widely found in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia is very much because according to the latest data that Burung Starling Suren is one type of birds that are threatened with extinction that has been protected by the government so as not to have illegal hunting.

As for the Excess Burung Starling Suren is among others have the shape of a unique body size and unique, singing suren birds very nice and has its own characteristics, the price of Bird Birds Suren own dibandrol dg price is still quite reasonable so many Indonesian people who seek or Bought this type of Starling Birds. Characteristics - Starling Suren this also has a size that is not too long and not too short, has anisodactyl foot type where there are three fingers facing forward and a finger facing backwards.

As for my purpose in making a review Differences Bird Starling Suren Males and Females, among others, to facilitate you in understanding the Starling Suren Birds because Birds Suren who have a good song is Bird Jalak Suren Jantan but if the bird is still going then How to Distinguish Birds Jalak Suren needs more knowledge so you will not be cheated by naughty sellers.

Differences of Starling Suren Males and Females

Characteristic Characteristic of Starling Suren Males have a body that is more straight and big compared with Starling Suren Betina, Head Feathers and Backs on Starling Bird Suren Males Black, The tail is longer, fused and the top of the eye is more bright red color. And Fingers on his legs are longer, stronger and stronger, there is a longer head Crag and widen as it expands. As for the characteristics of starling Suren Betina Betina among others a smaller body, round dg white and black colors more gloomy, the shape of his head was rather slender and not selincah starling suren males. How to Differentiate Surfer Girls Surfer Girls and other females you can see in terms of face shape because it looks more handsome for jalak suren males.
