Friday, May 19, 2017

How To Train Mental Starling Suren Quickly

How to Train Mentors Suren Survivors Quickly - Starling suren is a bird that is basically easy to in tame then to train mental starlings suren is not easy. But before I know love telling my friends all about how to train starlings suren quickly, I also will love to know why all comrades have to train mental starlings suren. Train mentality of bird starter suren or other bird is very necessary because if the comrades all want to excel then the condition must be mentally, so it can win a race.

To make starlings or other birds bermental main requirement is the bird must be healthy first, because if the bird is healthy, then the condition of the bird must be in good condition physically and also sikisnya, then it will be very easy to train it.

The first thing to build a starter suren mentality is by way of taming it, it aims to make birds are not afraid when looking at people, and the way often with birds interact with people, such as feeding directly or hanging in a place that quite a lot In passing people like in front of the house.

The second is for birds to not be afraid of the same-sex or similar birds, and it aims to keep the birds mentally met a competitor's bird is not sluggish. And the way that birds have a mentality when meeting a competing bird is often with close birds of its kind, but gradually, the first close to one bird until finally akhrinya accustomed, then added the number of birds that are close until eventually it is very familiar.

The last one is by putting the bird into a race, but in the small scale, it aims to make the birds adapt to the race atmosphere and when it will follow the race, you should not go directly into the middle of the race, but put the bird in a place Far from the race first.

And that is not less important is to make birds are always healthy, as I love to know above, and the way is to clean the cage every day, and also provide quality food and also consume membemikannya regularly.

How to Train Mental Starling Suren
Well if my friends all follow the advice ayang akunya love above, then he sure, if starlings suren kawna kawan all will quickly mentally. For more information on is about tips on how to treat smallpox in birds quickly.
