Friday, May 19, 2017

How to Distinguish Bird Anis Red Male and Female

How to Distinguish Bird Anis Merah - Understanding of the Bird Anis Merah is one type of Birds chirping there in Indonesia who have a beautiful voice quality and have special features of Anis Red Bird that is very unique that will be stoned or issued a drunken stance if the Bird Anis Red is being chirped Gacor and it makes the Birds of Chirping a hunt for many people who love birds chirping to be nurtured or cared for in their respective homes, although the price of Anis Merah Bird is quite expensive but they do not care because the Bird Anis Merah is one type of very chirping bird Special and worthy to be owned for those who love the Birds Types of Birds other than the Birds of Magpie and Kacer.

This is certainly not separated by Excess Bird Anis Merah many and unique, and for Habitat Bird Anis Merah itself spread in several countries in Southeast Asia such as in Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Nepal, Pakistan and certainly exist in Indonesia because in Indonesia Own populations of Anis Merah Bird is still widely spread in several islands in Indonesia and for Spread Birds Anis Merah spread on the island of Borneo, Sumatra Island, Sulawesi and Java. It's just that you need to emphasize to all of you that the population of Anis Merah Bird in Indonesia is still a lot, but this year according to information of bird lovers in Indonesia that the spread of red anis birds especially in Java has decreased the number of very significant and it is due to the many activities Poaching of this Red Anis Chick Bird type by some irresponsible people for their own benefit.

This they do because the price of Anis Merah and the price of Anis Merah Merah Gacor is quite expensive in the Indonesian market so they do poaching wildly against the Red Anis Bird is very uncontrolled. For those of you lovers of Birds Kicau especially on the island of Java to each other to preserve the Birds of Red Anis with How to Take Care of Red Anis Bird with so true that the Red Anis can sound melodious and can gacor like their life in the wild or you can raise your own At home so that it can be sold back to other chirping bird lovers so you do not have to buy from people who get the hunting results so as to reduce the activity of poaching in the forest.

How To Differentiate Anis Red Birds With Females

Then for How to Distinguish Red Anis Birds with Birds Anis Merah Betina is actually a bit difficult because the Red Bird Anis type is one type of bird Monomorphic which means can not be distinguished Type Anis Birds Red male and female from the characteristics of physical characteristics alone because Character Birds Anis Red on Physically almost the same between the type of birds Anis Merah Jantan With Anis Merah Betina. Therefore here I will try to give a review about Characteristics of Birds Anis Merah Jantan with Anis Betina so that it can be drawn conclusion into a trick to determine How to Differentiate Type of Bird Anis Red Male With Female.

How to Distinguish Red Anis Birds

Then in How to Distinguish Bird Anis Red Male and female you need to do is must know Characteristic of Bird Anis Red Male and female either in behavior, body shape or habit kebiasanya and for Characteristic of Anis Merah Jantan itself among others have more color black fur Glossy than the Female Anis Bird type and has a larger, longer and slender body shape. Then in the bone Kloakanya have the form of bones of Kolaka who meetings and more pointed, then if the type of Bird Anis Merah Jantan meet dg Bird Gacor Anis Merah then will sing and raise his head although the Red Anis Bird is still going, while growing up Black Color on the wing Anis Bird Male Red is more shiny and there is no yellow color.

As for Characteristics - Character Birds Anis Merah Betina among others have a more dull fur color and has a shape or size of the body is smaller and round, has bloated cloaca bones wider but more soft and if the type of bird Anis Merah Betina while still tiller will be Yellow spots on the wings and if the type of bird Anis Merah Betina meet with Bird Anis Red then Anis Merah Betina will vibrate the wing while whistling or ngriwik. Maybe just like that Characteristic Character Birds Anis Red Male and female which can be made by you as a way to distinguish Bird Anis Red and Females and hopefully what I have cleared it can be useful for you all.
