Monday, May 22, 2017

Caring for and breeding parrots

Betet or moustached parakeet (Psittacula alexandri) is a member of the parrot family of parrots. Before lovebird entry and popular in Indonesia, paret be bird parrot most kept bird enthusiasts in Indonesia, in addition to parrots and parrots. Intelligence in doing various attractions that are taught to him, as well as its rapidly benign, a special attraction for anyone who maintains parquet. How to care for and menangkar parrot? Check out the following chirping Om.

Betet is a native bird of Indonesia, but its distribution area is not only in Indonesia alone. Speesies are also found in India, China, and several other Southeast Asian countries. But this bird is reportedly not found in Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra.

Although reportedly not found in Sumatra, there are actually subspecies / endemic races on Simeuleu Island and Banyak Islands (Aceh) and Nias Island (North Sumatra). In Borneo, parrots are still frequently seen in the southeast, especially along the Barito River.

What is quite sad is the presence of parrots in Java and Bali whose populations continue to shrink, due to widespread poaching in the wild. Betet on both islands can now only be found in remote areas, except for large colonies that live around the Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta.

Globally there are 8 (eight) subspecies / race of parrots, namely:

Psittacula alexandri abbotti; Spread across the Andaman Islands.
Psittacula alexandri alexandri; In Java and Bali, was introduced to South Kalimantan.
Psittacula alexandri cala; Simeulue Island, Aceh.
Psittacula alexandri dammermani; In Karimunjawa Islands, Jepara Regency.
Psittacula alexandri fasciata; (From northern Uttar Pradesh to Arunachal Pradesh and Assam, India), eastward through Southeast Asia to South China, introduced to Singapore, Hong Kong and some cities in Guangdong Province, China.
Psittacula alexandri kangeanensis; Kangean Islands.
Psittacula alexandri major; Pulau Banyak, Aceh.
Psittacula alexandri Perionca; Nias Island, North Sumatra.

One characteristic of the parrot butter that distinguishes it from other parrots is the black mark on the side of his face that resembles a mustache. Adult male has a bright red beak, while the female beak is black.

In young birds, sex is still difficult to distinguish, because the physical appearance is almost the same and similar to adult female birds. But some experienced breeders can have sex on young birds by looking at the cere or part above the base of the beak, around the nostrils. Young female birds have curved cereals to the forehead, while young male birds tend to be flat on the forehead. In addition, the young female bird also has a blue face.

Daily care of parrots is relatively easy. This bird loves fruits and vegetables. Even many owners who only give sweet corn to his pet parquet.

Breeding of parrots

The principle of captive breeding is not much different from lovebird and parakeet. Choose a parent candidate aged 2-3 years, so that the reproductive organs are really mature.

Not a few who pair it since I was young, so the process of matching can run faster. But the risk of young marriage becomes very large, and less good for puppies. The solution is the eggs produced in the first and second spawning period should not be hatched first. Only in the third spawning period, when the male and female reproductive organs are fully developed, the eggs can be hatched or parched.

Breeding cage can use a battery cage that is often used to menangkar lovebird. It is also possible to use larger-sized enclosures, including aviary cages. Box nest / gelodok has a round-shaped entrance, with a diameter adjusted to the size of his body.

The matchmaking process can be considered completed and successful, if the female bird begins to feed the male birds. Couples who are romantic-romantic this can be directly inserted into a breeding enclosure that has been equipped with a gelodok. Materials for nesting include torn paper or wood shavings. In the not too distant future, the two will marry.

The female parent will lay 2 to 4 eggs, which will be roasted for 22 days or almost the same as the length of the lovebird egg grown. After hatching, the parrot will be an adult bird at the age of 52 days,

If the breeding uses a large aviary enclosure, the twig or perch can be brought closer to the gelodok, to avoid the young bird from falling off the hive when out of the gelodok. Add some so that young parrots can practice jumping and flying.

The young mulet could have been left with the mother for nine months. But if you want the parent to continue berprodukis, then weaning can be done at the age of 12-14 weeks.

Usually the parrot enthusiasts will separate the tillers from their mothers after being able to get out of the hive. This is intended to make it more quickly benign and able to mimic the sounds around it well.

May be useful.
