Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Types of Endangered Birds Indonesia Endangered - No we deny that Indonesia is a paradise of natural resources and biological resources. Indonesia has a megabiodiversity that is not owned by other nations and countries in the world. Exotic species of flora and fauna can be found all over our country. Not one name "emerald equator" pinned to analogize the wealth of our country, Indonesia.

But the wealth of this nation is not easily understood by all the children of the country. The appreciation of the wealth of this country is still lacking. Various types of flora and fauna are under serious threat due to instant actions such as illegal hunting and trafficking, deforestation, and other environmental damage. These threats make our species of flora and fauna threatened with extinction and many become scarce.

According to the IUCN audit in 2013, there are approximately 21,286 species of animals in the world threatened with extinction and as many as 1,206 species are endangered in Indonesia. From the data recorded as many as 121 species of Indonesian birds experienced threats of extinction. The types of birds we will discuss are experiencing tremendous environmental stress due to human activities.

Indonesian Birds and Extinction Threats
The types of Indonesian birds at this time many are experiencing the threat of extinction. Various species become extremely rare and even in recent periods can not be rediscovered or declared extinct by some ornithologists. Actually this condition becomes very reasonable if we see the high rate of deforestation (deforestation) of Indonesia.

The types of Indonesian birds are tropical birds and part of non-tropical migratory bird species. Environmental changes mainly due to land clearing make these bird species unable to survive. Although birds have a high level of mobility, it does not necessarily make it survive. The extent of the damaged bird habitat keeps it under stress.

Changes in environmental conditions in general make all aspects of the environment to change. These changes make the feed and shelter become reduced and the threat level becomes high.

Decreased survival makes the mortality rate higher than the birth rate
In certain bird species. Gradually the population of these birds continues to decline to the lowest. This is what makes the bird species Indonesia became endangered and rare.

Types of Endangered Indonesian Birds
Of the total number of 1598 species of Indonesian birds, as many as 121 species are threatened with extinction or rare. The types of Indonesian birds that are endangered or rare are very varied, ranging from species of aquatic birds such as the heron / white crane (genus egretta), honey species (nectariniidae), to species of fruiting birds (frugivores) such as birds Hornbill (family bucerotidae).

Among these bird species some of which are very rarely encountered, even in the wild though. Some other species are able to associate with human life, albeit with a serious threat.

As an illustration of the condition of rare and endangered species of Indonesian birds, Gomumu presents a descriptive list of very rare Indonesian birds:

1. Bird Kuau Raja

 This type of bird that has this Argusianus argus scientific name by IUCN is categorized as near threatened or "Near Treatened". That is, the king kuau near threatened extinction. In addition, kuau raja rewarded "Apendix II" by CITES so that if trade continues to be done without any arrangement it will be threatened extinction. This bird species can be found in Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo and Sumatra. The kuau raja is usually solitary or self-discovery. Found in pairs if in reproductive or mating periods. The king kuau is the primary forest inhabitants with conditions that are still very natural. They are very rarely found in disturbed forest areas.

2. Mentok Rimba

Mentok jungle (Cairina scutulata) including bird species from duck family. The appearance of this bird is very similar to the entok that is often maintained by the community. What distinguishes the two, namely stuck jungle can fly and only able to live in an environment that is still natural. Mentok jungle is one of the most endangered species of water birds. By IUCN this type of bird is included in "threatened" or "endangered" status, meaning it is facing a very high risk for extinction in the wild. In 2002 the population is estimated to be no more than 800 tail worldwide. In Indonesia alone it is estimated that only about 150 individuals on the island of Sumatra, especially in Way Kambas National Park, Lampung.

3. Bird Kehicap Boano

Birds that have the scientific name Monarcha boanensis is a species of endemic bird Island Boano, Maluku. This means that this type of bird is not found elsewhere and is only found in Boano Island only. At this time the population is estimated to live in the 200's only wild in the wild. Therefore, by the IUCN, the booers are included in a "critically / critically endangered" or Critically Endangered status. Is the status with the highest extinction threat level. Nevertheless, it turns out that the wild birds of boano have not been included in the list of protected bird species in Indonesia.

4. The Pungai Timorese

The punai timor bird (Treron psittacea), is a species of bird closely related to a dove or a turtle. The Pigeon Timor bird is an endemic bird of NTT and can only be found on Semau Island, Roti Island, and Timor Leste. IUCN tailored punk birds are either threatened or endangered. According to birdlife.org, a 2003 survey across the entire island of Timor showed a very significant population decline and no more than 200 tails.

5. Sangihe Eyeglasses

If we are hobbyists of birds chirp we must know the type of eyeglasses or commonly called "pleci". This type of rising birds in the world of birds chirping in Indonesia is a small bird that is characterized by a circle like glasses on the side of his eyes. Among the 22 species of birds in Indonesia, the bird sangihe (Zosterops nehrkorni) is the most endangered and rare species of sunglasses. Sangihe Island is a small island in North Sulawesi that stores the wealth of exotic endemic birds. By IUCN bird sangiata glasses are put in a very endangered status. At this time sangihe birds are estimated to live only 50 tail in the wild.

6. The Crow Banggai

Raven banggai (Corvus unicolor), a bird species of the crow family. Raven banggai birds were once declared extinct by bird experts. In 2007, important findings of crow banggai in Pulau Peleng, Central Sulawesi were released. In a scientific expedition the raven crow was encountered several times on Peleng Island. At the moment IUCN records it in a highly endangered status.

7. Sumatran Tokhtor Birds

Sumatran tiger bird (Carpococcyx viridis) is one of endemic bird species from Sumatera Island. Sumatran monkeys have been declared extinct because it was never found again after 1916 and rediscovered in 1997. It is estimated that the number of wild dialam no more than 300 tail. At this time its status is critically endangered or critical.

8. Trulek Bird of Java

Trulek java (Vanellus macropterus) is the rarest bird in Java Island. This endemic bird of Java island was declared extinct by IUCN in 1994. However, it was revised again to be critical in 2000. At this time there is no scientific documentation or information about the existence of birds trulek Java. Some experts consider the bird birds trulek Java has been extinct from the face of the earth.

9. Aceh Sikatan

The aceh bird (Cyornis ruckii) is the rare endemic bird of Sumatra Island. This species of lowland forest dwellers is actually considered extinct since it was first discovered by M Ruck in 1917 and 1918, this bird is hardly ever found. Because for more than a hundred years have never been recovered, the IUCN rewarded it with a critically endangered or critical status.

Indonesia does have a wide variety of bird species. But at the same time the high threat to them makes some of them must be at the end of extinction. Without the awareness of every child of the nation in this archipelago is surely thousands of exotic birds nan can survive. They are God's grace that we should keep, not us destroy with our hands. (Rexa17)
