Monday, May 22, 2017

Price, Type, and Interesting Facts Birds are Betet

Birds of parrots or also called beaked birds is a fairly large bird species, perhaps even the largest among other bird species with the number reached 328 species. Of the 328 species, 78 species are spread in eastern Indonesia such as Halmahera, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, and Papua.

Birds of Betet or Psittacula alexandri

The parrot was originally not a famous bird that spread rapidly in the corners of the world. Early on precisely this bird is found at the foot of the Southern Himalayan Mountain of China. They spread in places that fit the geographic area of ​​their habitat to live, therefore in Indonesia this bird is quite easy to meet because it spread in many areas. The bĂȘtet has a fine feather with the main cash feature of a crooked beak.

Bird Population Betet Beak Paredy

Parrothead parrot bird is a protected bird, considering the population began to decrease from year to year. This population decline is due to the ever-diminishing habitat that is lost even. As well as the number of poaching wild birds even parrots that should be protected into birds traded without permission. (Also Read: Type and Price of Owls)

Crooked beak bĂȘtet species have several species of which are, Nuri Bayan or Eclectus roratus, Serindit Sulawesi or Loriculus stigmata, Derangi Sangihe or Psittirichas fulgidus, red-grape or L. exili, and Blue-headed or Tanygnatus Sumateranus Betet.

Long Tailed Rowet

Also called a red cheek betet, has the Latin name Psittacula longicauda which is one of 85 species of parrots of crooked beaks. Long-tailed tails have a size of 40 cm, have a green chest color, and a long tail gradually. In males have a green crown, the sides of the red head and there is a thick black line like a mustache, yellow-tailed tail and has a bluish wing.

While in female birds have a more opaque body hair, greenish mustache. When the female bird is flying it will see a yellow lower wing, on the lower body is green, and on the sides of the head is red, the legs are gray, and the beak is identical to the red color.

Habitat Birds Long Trunk Tailed

This common bird habitat is located on the coast and lowlands, especially in open forests, mangrove forests, plantations, tropical rain forests, tall trees, and secondary forests. (Read Also: How to Care for Starling Suren)

Behavior of Long-tailed Longet Birds

Long-tailed birds have fast flying abilities in large groups of about 20, live nomadic or migratory, perform seasonal migration. They are able to move quickly from one tree branch to another tree. The activity of feeding is done after sunrise. They can be encountered during the day on tall trees, while in the afternoon are spent feeding before returning to the cage.

Season of Long Shelf Long Tail

Bird breeding season Long Trunk Tail in February to June. Their nests are found in branches of perforated trees or dead trees, only occasionally making cages in live trees. The nest is filled with food, and sometimes chewing bark. At mating period, this bird can only lay eggs between 2 to 3 grains with 23 days incubation period.

Anatomy of Betet Beaked Beak

Characteristics of parrots parak crooked bird that has a long body from head to tail about 34 cm. Hooked beak with large head size, has thick feather, bright fur color and has small legs. Has the same tongue as the older sister bird, but stronger than the parrot. While the difference between a parrot with an elder brother is the absence of a crest that can be enforced in the head.

Bird Price is Betet

There are various price of parrots from puppies to adults. The following prices may be a reference for bird lovers.

1. Price of puppets Rp. 400,000
2. Leput parrot price Rp. 500,000
3. Price lolohan paired pair of Rp. 250,000
4. Price jetak tame Javanese Rp. 600,000
5. Ternate Betet Price Rp. 700,000
6. Price of teen age of Rp. 900,000
