Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Know the Birds of Cucak Biru

When compared with similar birds like Cucak Hijau, Cucak Jenggot, Cucak Rowo arguably blue birds are not as famous as they are. This may be understandable because the populations of blue birds have been very steps found. Though about the ability of chirp, Cucak Biru also no less great with others, especially when trained by a professional hobbyist and experienced, it is not impossible if rombakan blue cucak can be the winner.

In Indonesia this bird is known as Cucak Biru, some call it Cucak Gadung, while overseas is called Asian Fairy Bluebird, with its latin name Irena Puella. Overview of birds Cucak Biru looks very charming, especially with a blend of blue with black on the body, plus the characteristics of red eyes that make it look attractive and handsome as a bird.

The character of Cucak Biru's chirp voice contains high and shrill shots, many of which equate to the Cucak Green character. It's just that the variations of chirp owned Cucak Blue is more limited, but that does not mean this bird can only sing with a tone that's all. Because Cucak Biru also has the ability to record the sound of other birds chirping well. So that when trained from small and closer to other chirping birds, the sound of variations of birds Cucak Biru can be increased.

Compared to Indonesia, Cucak Biru birds actually have more habitat in overseas such as Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. For the territory of Indonesia, the spread is mostly found in the islands of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan. In the wild, this bird loves to live in the forest area on the plains with a height of 1800 m above sea level. There they live in pairs colonized but on a small scale, about 6-8 birds alone, but sometimes also can join other groups of birds.

To distinguish between male and female sex is not too difficult. The characteristics of the Cucak Blue, the male has a bright blue color on the back of the fur, on the face, chest, and tail tip is jet black, slightly larger body posture, the ability of variation of chirp is more qualified. While the characteristics of blue Cucak the females are blue in the feather softer a bit dark, as well as the black color on the body slightly dull brown, the body is more petite, and the ability to sound monotone chirping.

Blue cucak is a fruiting bird and small insects. His favorite fruits are papaya and bananas, to feed the insects in the wild usually birds are looking for food on the tree such as caterpillars, crickets kroto, ants and other small insects. For the sake of getting food, these birds are able to travel deep into an area where they can get abundant food, though the Cucak Biru birds very rarely migrate, usually they will return to the area of ​​origin.

When it comes to mating period, the Cucak Blue couples will each separate from their colonies. Then they enter a dense forest where they can make a nest safely. Cucak Blue cube is round like an open bowl composed of twigs, roots, leaves are small and dry, also often found the green moss as the components of the cage.

Usually the cage is the Cucak Biru the female, the cage is made on the thick and tall trees that are difficult to find humans and put the eggs there. In one breeding period Cucak Blue bird produces two eggs only, the duration of time to hatch the egg is approximately 13 days. After the eggs hatch, the female and male birds alternately feed.

The scarcity experienced by Cucak Biru birds makes it very difficult to find in the market, if any, of course, the selling price becomes very high. So if there are among hobbyists who have birds Cucak Biru then including him a very fortunate hobbyist.
