Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Cucak Mutiara Bird: The Endangered Bird of Trouble

Birds chatter in Indonesia is not everything that is traded in the bird market comes from the tangkaran or cultivation. Many also among the various types of birds babble that is traded comes from the catch of forests or birds going to the forest. Problems arising from catching birds in the forest are considerable, but the underlying issue is that they can make the bird population level threatened with extinction. The threatened population of various bird species babble already seen in one of the bird species whose habitat is only on the island of Sumatra alone. The name of the babbling bird is Cucak Mutiara bird that has similarity from its physical form with Cucakrowo birds.

Cucak Mutiara bird that has the Latin name Pycnonotus Tympanistrigus is an endemic bird whose population is only on the island of Sumatra alone. In the habitat birds Cucak Mutiara usually occupy forests that have hills or a temperature rather cold. In addition, its spread in Sumatra according to various sources mentioned there are located in the surrounding southern hillside area that leads to Mount Kerinci and in the area of ​​Mount Dempu.

It is said that Cucak Mutiara birds are starting to become extinct due to the many catching of these birds in the forests of Sumatra. This can certainly disrupt the balance of the existing population in the forest without any desire to be able to catch it so that the demand of this bird in the bird market can be met without the need to catch it in the forest. In addition, the destruction of forests in Sumatra was also part of causing the scarcity of bird populations Cucak Mutiara.

It is also mentioned in the first paragraph that Cucak Mutiara birds have similarities from the physical side to Cucakrowo birds. The similarity is seen from the color of the hair on the chest, abdomen, and wings that are quite difficult to find the difference. The similarity between Cucak Mutiara and Cucakrowo birds is often misused by unscrupulous birds to deceive people looking for Cucakrowo birds. Often Cucak Mutiara birds are considered as saplings of Cucakrowo birds due to Cucak Mutiara's posture slightly shorter than Cucakrowo.

As for more details about the characteristics of the physical shape of birds Cucak Pearl can be listened to below explanation:

  • Body size only ranged between 16 cm only
  • The crown on his head had a brown color toward the olive and his head had no crest.
  • Looks greenish in the wings, tungging, and also the tail.
  • In the throat look a striking white color.
  • There is a skin that is not hairy around the blackish eyes
  • At the bottom of his body from the chest up to his stomach patterned spots with brown and white and there is a yellow line on the tail cover.

As for the sound chirp sounding monotonous with only able to sing one or two types of tones are repeated continuously. The sound of his chirps sounds like this 'tdip ... diiw' which he sang in a high note on his first chirp. The sound of the bird Cucak Mutiara this is actually not high which mentioned earlier high-pitched chirp just sounded on the first note only while the next level of tone that sounded lower and lower.

Yup, that's the explanation of Cucak Mutiara birds whose existence has begun to appear threatened by so many people who capture and destroy the habitat where life in the forest of Sumatra. Also from reading the reviews in this article can also tell us about the similarities and differences at a glance about Cucak Mutiara and Cucakrowo birds. By understanding the similarities and differences between the two can make the readers understand to not be deceived into buying the real Cucakrowo birds it is the cultivated Macaara bird. And hopefully this article useful for us all. thanks.
