Friday, May 19, 2017

This is the setting of the Stone Mermaid For The Winner's Competition

Mortar Stone Setting | Back again today we from the team will provide a review of the bird setting for the race, as for the birds that we will review the setting today is a stone magpie. Where this stone magpie bird is one of the birds chirping that is often diperlombakan in the race of birds chirping, and not a few people who like to keep this magpie at home.

The stone magpie bird is also one of the birds that has many chirping variants, therefore not a few people who like this birds chirping. Although the price of this stone magpie bird is quite expensive, where the price of a stone magpie itself will reach 500-700 thousands. In addition, the stone magpie also has a beautiful fur color, with the main color black, then on the chest colored orange. While the shape of the tail length with white and black.

With the many races for the class of stone magpie, making the birds lovers of this many birds who keep this magpie to be included in the race. And for those of you who want to follow the race of this stone magpie, of course you must have a gypor magpie bird first. So that later you can win the race, if your stone magpie bird that is not gacor or maybe stuck. Then it can be ascertained if you will not win the race.

For those of you who if you really want to follow the birds chirp race for the class of a magpie, then it would be nice if you look at first the discussion about the stone magpie stone setting for the race that we will present today. With your first look at some of the stone magpie preparations for the race, the psychic bird you have will be ready for the race.

And without the preparation of the magpie for the race, of course the bird that you have is not possible will not win. And for those of you who want to know completely how to prepare the birds stone magpie for the race that we will present today, then we can just see together how to set the stone magpie for the race that we will present completely to you lovers Birds below.

Mortar Stone Setting For Competition
Preparation of birds for a good race is usually done a week before the race, in the period of one week the bird lovers must do bird care for the race continuously until the race day H. For the preparation of the contest the bird itself is different from daily perawtan usually done, although the way is not too much different. And for the care of the stone magpie before the race are as follows.

Bath the stone magpie every morning for a week before the race, you can bathe the stone magpie by spraying or placed in a special cage for bird bath.
After bathing, feed EF in the form of crickets and kroto twice the usual day. If you usually give EF crickets as much as 2 tails each day, then for one week before the race give the crickets as much as 4 to 5 tails every morning. Just as with the kroto feeder, if you usually give ktoro as much as two tablespoons, then add it to four tablespoons each day.
Completed with EF cricket and cracker feed, then dried birds for about 1 to 2 hours. After that wind the bird for 20 minutes and return krodong bird cage and place in a quiet room while in masteri.
Enter the afternoon, open krodong bird then bathe back using spray, try not too wet at bathing the birds disore day.
After that feed the crickets back in the afternoon like giving crickets in the morning, but do not be given additional kroto feed.
After that return krodong bird cage and hanging on the place was for the night semberi in masteri again.
Entering the H-3 before the race, do the same activities as before. It's just that for the drying time is reduced, from drying time between 1 to 2 hours. Reduced to 30 minutes only.
And on the day of the race, you can feed the crickets as much as 3 to 5 heads before the race, coupled with 5 hongkong caterpillars. And try before the race begins, kangkong the stone magpie caged bird until the time of the race.
And we think it is enough so long ago for information about the Setting of Stone Monster For Competition Champion that we can present to you, hopefully from the way of setting the stone magpie to the race we just presented above it can provide additional knowledge to you On how to prepare birds before the race begins. For those of you who would still want to go back to know some bird care tips before the other race.

So we suggest you to re-read also the preparation of red anis birds before the race, who knows between you-you all have a red anis at home. And you also have a plan to follow the red anis bird to join the race. Therefore there is no harm if you try again to see tips on bird preparation before the race that we have ever presented before.

If you feel less interested in the information, or maybe you do not have a red anis in the house. So it's best if you try to re-look at some tips on caring for other birds that we've ever presented to you before. Or maybe you can try to wait for update information about other new birds that we will try to present for each day.
