Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Six Simple Herbs Fishing Cucak Ijo Bird Singing

The cucak ijo bird is famous for its melodious chirping sound. No wonder so many lovers of birds cucak ijo want to train and give the best care for his cucak ijo birds. Not like today that uses various practical and instant ways to train the sound of birds cucak ijo. In ancient times in overcoming various problems of care still using traditional herbs. This is done because at that time not yet the manufacturer of bird special medicine. However, traditional medicine proved to provide good properties for birds and certainly not cost a lot. Well here are some herbs to overcome the problem of birds cucak ijo you:

1. The cucak ijo bird is less gacor
This herb for cucak ijo 1 year old but less gacor. The trick is enter the place of beverage containing honey into the cage. Then apply honey on the banana to be given to the bird.

2. Clarify the sound of cucak ijo
For those of you who have the birds hooves hoarse hoarse, you can try this traditional herb to heal it. The trick is to provide tea water that is not too sweet and mix lemon juice instead of drinking water birds. Provision of drinking water is given for 2 weeks.

3. Maintaining the health of cucak ijo
To make the condition cucak ijo be fit and healthy way that is provide 1 segment turmeric, ginger, and kencur. Then the material is shredded and squeezed water. The juice is mixed into a bird sanctuary. If birds do not drink take a place to eat, drink, and banana during the drying process. After the drying process is complete then enter the drinking place containing the juice, usually the bird will want to drink. Do this drink once a month.

4. Turns off bacteria in a cage
The trick is to prepare a sprayer / spray and a cigarette. Open the cigarette pack and and grab the contents. Then soak in a container that contains about 1 liter of water for 1 day. Water soaking is then inserted into the sprayer and spray on the cage / cage. After sprayed rinse with ordinary water to the aroma of tobacco lost. Do it for 2 weeks.

5. Overcoming ticks in birds
Materials needed are 1 tablespoon whiting, 6-10 pieces of betel leaf, and sprayer. How to make a potion that is boiled betel leaves and whiting in a container that contains 2 liters of water to boiling. When finished boiled let cool until. If it is cold then insert it into the sprayer and use it for birds that are infested with lice. Do it every 2 days in the morning and evening.

6. Traditional herb EF (Extra Fooding)
Provide 1 egg whites, 2 clean kroto spoons, and 1 mashed red apple. Then mix the ingredients evenly. Then enter the potion into a sealed container and place it in the refrigerator.

Those are some tips to give traditional herbs to your cucak ijo to be able to perform at all times.
