Friday, May 19, 2017

Lovebird Unique Eye and Foot Color Blue, It Costs Tens of Million

A few months ago, the chirping mania in Indonesia had been overwhelmed by the appearance of rare lovebirds horned from Lumajang and Solo. Now, there is another unique Lovebird with blue eyes and feet (Lovebird Blue Eyes).

Yes, Lovebird Dark Blue is indeed unique and rare because almost all parts of the body is blue. Does this lovebird come from a noble or blue bloodline?

I do not know, obviously the 3.5-month-old Lovebird is rare because it is still rare to find blue-eyed Lovebird in Indonesia. If the red eye Lovebird pretty much, like Lutino's red eye lovebird and Albino Red-eye Lovebird.

Meanwhile, Lovebird Dark Blue blue eyes are still rare and rarely there are lovebird breeders who managed to give birth to lovebird sons with blue eyes. There used to be Lovebird Blorok blue eyes, that too was 3 years ago.

One of the breeders in Jogja succeeded in raising a blue-eyed Blorok Lovebird from the shed Blorok Violet (pied vio) with Lovebird Pastel Biru.

Well, for Lovebird this one is different again. Lovebird Male Om Lein Vera is derived from Lovebird Violet ddf sibling with Lovebird Biru Mangsi. Both produce a Lovebird Dark Blue puppies who happen to have blue eyes and feet.

Lovebird Dark Blue blue eyes are born normal

Om Lein Vera explains that his Blue-blooded Dark Blue Lovebird was born normal, healthy, and his behavior does not indicate that he is ill.

The man who now lives in the Subang area claims that his lovebird is unique and special. This is because the eyes and feet of the lovebird are blue. From the uniqueness of blue eyes and feet is, Om Lein Vera dare to sell expensive Lovebird.

"In my opinion, hopefully the blessing, Lovebird blue eyes are unique and special because the gestures of his behavior do not show him ill. Lovebird is very normal, om can open a video on Facebook profile, "said Om Lein Vera to his team Bird.

Price Lovebird Dark Blue blue eyes

As Om Lein Vera has said to Birds, Lovebird Dark Blue blue eyes sold for Rp 25 million. He said he did not accept the transfer payment method through bank account. If you are interested in the blue-eyes Lovebird earlier, you can simply call 08121262101050.

Not only that, let both equally and trust each other, Om Lein Vera advise prospective buyers to come directly to his home located in Sukamandi, Subang district, West Java.

The method of buying and selling (PCB) Monitor Matches Pay as it is safer. In addition, this way can reduce the occurrence of frauds buying and selling of birds are rampant in Indonesia. Anyway, if you come directly to the home of Om Lein Vera, you can all friendship and monitor birds as much.

Oh yeah, if we can give the nickname to Lovebird Dark Blue blue eyes, then we will give the nickname Lovebird Avatar. This is because we were inspired by a 3D science fiction movie entitled Avatar that is all blue in its body.

Do you have another nickname for Lovebird Dark Blue blue eyes?
