Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Getting to Know the Birds of Killing of Mangrove Mangrove

Mangrove Birds that have the Latin name Pachycephala Grisola is a native bird endemic native Indonesia. The existence of this endemic bird is quite popular for most of our people in various regions. The popularity of birds Kancilan Mangau seen from the many names for the mention of which are birds and birds Drodot Salak. In addition, many people who know birds Kancilan Mangrove because this bird has been used as a bird chatter that has a melodious chirp.

The introduction of birds Kancilan Mangrove as endemic birds in Indonesia visible from the spreading area that is in almost all areas such as Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Lombok. Even for one of the subspecies of birds Mangrove Kancilan semisalnya Samyong bird that can only be found in the area of ​​Lombok. Similarly, the habitat of birds Kancilan Mangrove live in many lowland areas about 900 meters above sea level. The lowland habitat of Kancilan Mangrove birds is usually located on the coast, forests located on the coast, as well as other lowland forests.

Seeing the characteristics of birds Mortar Kancilan glance similar to the Bird of Bush of the side of the size of the fins and shades on the color of the fur. But for birds Mangrove Birds can be marked with a gray color in almost all parts of the body. This is seen in the crown, nape, back, and wings wrapped in a gray color that looks quite striking. At the tail looks more light brown to grayish brown. As for the chest and abdomen which is the lower body of the bird looks whitish. As for the physical size is quite small, only about 14 cm that counted from the base of the beak to the tip of the tail.

The existence of birds Kancilan Mangrove in the wild always live alone and occasionally go with the herd but only in very small amount about two or five tail only. In addition birds Kancilan Mangrove is a typical shy bird who prefer to remove kicauannya compared to reveal himself to humans who are nearby. As for his own food that birds Mangrove Kancilan really like insects as the main feed. Meanwhile, to build the nest usually put it on the top of the tree so that no one peredator who eyeing him and the eggs that dierami females.

Speaking of the color chirp sounded loud like a high-pitched voice. In addition, birds Kancilan Mangrove singing is able to sound the tone as much as six types with the ending of wearing a high tone but jerked like whip sounds are wafted to the floor. And such a voice that is characteristic of this Mangor Kancilan bird. As for the advantages of this Mangrove Kancilan bird is its ability in chirping that is able to remember many voices from other birds chatter and can make it as a bird master for other birds babble. That is why, as mentioned in the first paragraph, the birds of Kancilan Mangau have much to love.

With so many people starting to like birds of Mange Owls as birds of chatter then this can make its popularity can increase and compete with other birds babble. In addition, if the readers all like birds Kancilan Mangrove and make it as a bird babble then of course in order to continue to train it to finally be able to sing beautifully. Furthermore Gacor bird-eye mangrove birds can be used as birds pemaster for other birds or include in the contest race birds. Okey.
