Spears not only in the previous year that peminatnya very much, since the beginning of 2015 until now the enthusiasts and fans of birds kucau cucak ijo increasingly. This can be monitored in the bird market in big cities such as Surabaya, Malang, Jogjakarta, and so forth.
Bird cucak ijo physical appearance is quite interesting, sedangan most of the tubhunya dominated by hijua color, so it looks more beautiful. Cucak ijo became one of the favorite chirping birds for the chirping mania, because this bird has a good voice and deserve to be developed, but it also not a few who include cucak ijo in the race of birds chirping.
The mellow green sound of the cucak must be one of the advantages bahwasannya this bird including the list of birds chirping to be reckoned with. You can get mp3 cucak cucak ijo in previous article (download: voice cucak ijo). The existence of cucak ijo itself is now widely spread in East Java, ranging from Banyuwangi, Jember, and others.
If you want to have cucak ijo that can be gacor easily, then of course cucak ijo sex male should be an option. Usually cucak ijo male marked with a nopeng on the face, and his face is black. Because for beginners, it may be difficult to distinguish between male and female sex.
Before buying a bird cucak ijo, you should first search the market price, so you can guess the right price. For those of you who want to know the market price cucak ijo, then the following we present to you.
So glance info about the market price of birds kucau cucak ijo, hopefully the price list cucak ijo that we convey above can be a reference that is right for you in adjusting or determining the right price with your interests.