Tuesday, May 16, 2017

For fans of birds chirping, you may be curious what birds are the most expensive in Indonesia and produce beautiful sound and can amaze anyone so much sought after as many people as a hobby and a significant producer of money. Some of these birds are very difficult to find and the price is very expensive in the market this may be due to many factors, especially the number of hunting and natural conditions of Indonesia are not good for its habitat.

Here are 5 types of birds chirping the most popular in Indonesia with the price is quite expensive.


Known by the name of Serinus Canaria and its name is taken from its habital origin, the Canary Islands, this bird is very much its kind due to different natural conditions and the existence of interbreeding. Local canary market prices are relatively expensive in the local market, especially those sold by bird traders in several places in Indonesia.

A local female cane with a 3 month old usually costs Rp 250,000 while a male with 3 months of age with varied prices, a maximum of Rp 300,000. Actually the price depends on the condition of the bird and beautiful or loud kicauannya. The most expensive is the type of Yorkshire F2 and F1 which reached Rp. 2.5 million rupiah, while Canary Yorkshire Gacor can cost up to 10 million rupiah for males and 8 million for females. Really hobby and expensive investment is not it?

 The Magpie

Known as the shamas, Murai has many species or species and the main food is insects. Usually this bird can begin to perch from the age of 1 weekly which can mimic the sound of another bird. Due to having a feather with an adorable color, the magpie is very expensive in the market especially if it is obtained from the original forest.

Medan Magic Bird is the most expensive type in the local market with prices above 3 million rupiah for females with 16 weeks of age. While for the age of 10 weeks and 3 weeks the price reached Rp. 2, 9 million and Rp. 2.3 million.

 Kacer Birds

Known as Magpie Robin, this bird has a loud chirp and in Indonesia many contests or races. Therefore, Kacer is in great demand and sought after by bird lovers due to twitter factors, very easy adaptations in different environments, food and treatments that are not difficult.

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Usually this bird is widely available in West and East Java. The price varies depending on the condition of fur and physical as well as age. For Kacer West Java, the price starts from Rp.300 thousand to Rp. 700 thousand. While for the type of East Java, the price is slightly above with a variation between 400,000 to 800,000 rupiah.

 Bird Cucak Rowo

In general, known as Cucak Rawa or Pycnonotus zeylanicus. This bird is usually found in the Southeast Asian Countries, especially Indonesia and Malaysia. The original habitat is tropical forests, mangroves and in agricultural areas. The unique thing of this bird is the shape and color of the crown with a pale yellow color. The chirp is also very distinctive and medu because it can be heard repeating with clear and clear characters.

Due to its chirping, easy-to-find care and food, the birds are in great demand but the population is declining sharply, although not yet rare and can be found in the local market. The price can reach Rp. 700 thousand for the type of Cucak Ijo Sumatra and around Rp.3. 000,000 to Rp. 4.000.000 for breeding with age about 3 monthly.


Including the family of Sturnidae and near its species with parrots and perling, this bird is known for its gallant shape, loud and easily trained chirp. In the wild, can be found in tree holes in the forest and almost eat all types of foods including certain insects and fruits.

Actually there are 25 types of distance birds but usually there are only 5 species maintained by Indonesians, namely Jalak Suren, Distance Bali, Cattle Distances, Nias and White with varying prices and successively is about Rp. 340,000, Rp. 410,000, Rp. 76.000, Rp. 140.000 and Rp. 530,000.

Actually there are many other most expensive birds chirp like Tledekan, Paca Warna, Bird Anis Kembang, Pentet, Wren, Ninja Hummingbird and others. Bird of Paradise seems to be claimed as the most expensive bird for birds of chirp on certain types that can issue beautiful sounds. Another interesting info is about ancient animals in Indonesia.
