1. The Smallest Bird In The World of bee colobri (mellisuga helenae)
When first seen by a photographer, the bee colobrial bird (suspected helenae) looks more like an insect. But in fact, he is the smallest bird in the world. Yes, the truth is, only a male bird - less than five centimeters long - is entitled to bear the helar. Female birds are longer about one-sixth of an inch (about 0.6 cm). Both weigh about two grams, about the equivalent of an American penny (if the weight of our coins is fractional 100 grams?) Like most birds, their main food is a very sweet nectar obtained from the neck of the forest flowers . They also eat insects and small spiders as additional food.
2. The Biggest Bird In The World Of Camels
The ostrich is the largest bird in the world. They are taller than us. An ostrich can reach a height of two and a half feet and weighs 120 kilograms. This bird, which lives in groups in central Africa, can not fly. Instead, ostriches have another ability so they can escape from their predators: They can run very fast with their long legs. They ran so fast that no one could match it. The ostrich is a fast-tracking, two-legged animal with a speed of up to 70 kilometers per hour.
3. World's Finest Birds oropenduala baudo (psarocolius cassini)
Colonic conservation group, fundacion proaves found two colonies of one of the world's rarest birds, oropenduala baudo (psarocolius cassini). The bird was known to be only a dozen before the discovery. Now researchers, who work in western Colombia cordillera 75 miles from their natural habitat, have found 70 to 80 of the very rare birds. The bird pesies are mostly black with brown, gray wings and long yellow tails. The bird has a pink cheek part that distinguishes it from similar birds. The bird likes to live in groups eating big insects and fruits. The bird is very vocal and produces various songs.
4. The World's Largest Birds of the herring
Vultures or vultures are first-rate carnivores. Their food is meat, meat only and meat only though the meat is served "half cooked" and already rot. They will devour the animal carcasses as much as possible, as soon as possible, to the extent that their weight becomes 20% heavier after eating. Herring rarely attacks healthy prey, but is likely to injure, even kill, sick or injured prey. If the prey is too large to eat alone, they generally wait for the greatest hering to finish eating first. Not infrequently the battle involving herring in large numbers. They will stop eating until their cache is full.
5.Burung With The Longest Wingspan In The World The Wandering Albatross
Birds with the largest wingspan in the world are wanderer albatrosses or the wandering albatross with a span of more than 5 m from end to end (big bang imagine what). This bird lives in the southern oceans of the world and spends most of its life at sea except rest. It is a seabird that belongs to the order of procellariiformes. It can fly a great distance almost without flapping its wings. Located in the South Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Pacific.
6. The Most Intelligent Bird In The Old African Bird Sister World
Old Sister Gray African is in the western and central African forests. This bird has long been known to mimic human voices, but the African gray parrot is able to connect words and form simple sentences. This bird communicates with others through voice and body language. African gray parrots are very easily trained and able to imitate sounds perfectly. Some trained birds are able to recognize about 50 objects, seven colors, five shapes, and count up to six. They are able to differentiate between big and small, top and bottom. There is a story about an African gray parrot in nagarey, japan. The bird is lost in a state of injury, so it is sent to a special hospital of animals. During the hospital the bird said "I am Mr. Yosuke Nakamura. ", The bird also explains the full address of his house, so the bird can be returned to the owner's address.
7. Birds are caught in the world of Cassowary
Bird kasowari or cassowary bird, ever heard of? This is the most dangerous bird in the world. Beautiful but fierce for mercy, and very aggressive. Therefore kasowari is not left free, visitors who want to see the distance, because this animal is so angry and did not hesitate to chase 'victim'. The Guinness world record incorporates kasowari in its record-setting as the most dangerous bird in the world. Usually this unique bird lives in rain forests in kwasan australia and papua new guinea. Kasowari is included in the list of the most difficult animals kept in the animal zoo. Because the angry bird is often made the handler injury. Birds are very difficult to control. Just look at one of these photos how the handler must fight furiously from the rampage kasowari. And, he said, if kasowari is angry, he can be very cruel and unforgiving.
8. The most expensive bird in the Amazon Yellow-Naped world
Usually, yellow-naped amazon (amazona auropalliata) is green with yellow spots on the forehead and back of the neck. The yellow-naped Amazon is an active, intelligent character capable of imitating human speech. This bird is known as a very rare individual covered in beautiful turquoise fur and found in honduras more than a decade ago. The price of yellow-naped amazon is about $ 300,000 and has been bought by an entrepreneur from kuwait. For those of you pet lovers like birds, are you interested in buying the most expensive exotic birds as a collection of pets in your home?
9. The world's fastest Spine-Tailed Swift bird
Spine-tailed swift, or so-called white-throated needletail is the fastest bird in the world when flying that can fly at speeds up to 170 km / h (105 mph). This bird has very short legs that are used only to stick to the vertical surface. They build nests in rock crevices in cliffs or tree holes. Never settle on the ground and spend most of his life in the air by eating the prey of his prey.
Swifts breed in hilly areas in Asia and south of siberia. These species migrate during the winter to southern Australia. A small part of this bird habitat is found in western europe, norwegian, swedish and english.
10. The highest flying bird bar-headed goose
Bar-headed goose is a mighty bird! They flew from India across the himalaya region, above everest, on their way to breed in tibet. They are capable of flying at an altitude of 12,000 to 14,000 feet (about up to 4,267 m) with winds blowing at speeds of over 200 mph (322 km / h) and very low temperatures that can freeze. At this altitude, the level of oxygen content will be reduced by one third and even kerosen can not burn at this altitude, helicopters can not even fly at this altitude. Their strength and perseverance to keep on flying are actually raising their body temperature, the heat that can be kept by the wing feathers. The same heat can melt the ice attached to the wing feathers as they fly across the mountains. The goose also has a specific type of hemoglobin to absorb oxygen faster than other birds, and they can extract more oxygen from their breath than other birds.