Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Cleanest Parrot In The World

The World's Cleanest Cleanest Kaka Birds, The Cleanest Kaka Bird, The Cleanest White Kaka Bird - As many are known, parrots are a smart bird. However, for this time we will discuss a little about the white parrot. This bird has another name Umbrela Cockatoo. As the name suggests, even this bird has a feather that is all over its body is white. From crest to ekornyapun white. Anyway there is no other color in the fur than white. Hu .. like cotton yes, white, clean. Ih .. surely funny. The sound of his cries was also loud. No less the same as other birds ..

This white cockatoo has a body length of about 45 cm. Weight of the possession can reach about 400 grams for females. While the male has a weight doubled from females which is about 900 grams. The beak of a male bird is stronger than the female. If again surprised, this white parrot can enforce and widen his crested lho .. wah .. definitely more cool tu even. This bird includes endemic birds. So do not like to move so much. The origin of the Moluccas and North Maluku, the bird is indeed more happy in the rainforest. But this bird has spread to the island of Obi, Halmahera, Ternate and Tidore. Yes still not far away very from the place of origin.

What's more, this bird can survive for 80 years you know. Wu .. durable huh? Durable what old ageless? Heheheh .. Yes but that's kalu not in hurry with people who are not responsible. Although this bird has been protected by the government, but its existence is now more apprehensive and worrying. And can be said that rarely can be encountered in the wild. Em .. sad dech .. Well, for you who ngakunya bird lovers, let's keep the polulasinya. You can keep it as long as you have a license. Ask just the same related service. Just survive preserve. May the population grow and wake up from extinction. Certainly keep good and not in vain yes ..
